

dgpsi provides both Python and R implementations for deep and linked Gaussian process emulations. It currently has following features:

  • Gaussian process emulations with separable or non-separable squared exponential and Matérn-2.5 kernels.
  • Deep Gaussian process emulations with flexible structures including:
    • multiple layers;
    • multiple GP nodes;
    • separable or non-separable squared exponential and Matérn-2.5 kernels;
    • global input connections;
    • non-Gaussian likelihoods (Poisson, Negative-Binomial, heteroskedastic Gaussian, and Categorical).
  • Linked emulations of feed-forward systems of computer models by linking (D)GP emulators of deterministic individual computer models.
  • Fast Leave-One-Out (LOO) and Out-Of-Sample (OOS) validations for GP, DGP, and linked (D)GP emulators.
  • Multi-core predictions and validations for GP, DGP, and Linked (D)GP emulators.
  • Sequential designs for (D)GP emulators and bundles of (D)GP emulators.
  • Automatic pruning of DGP emulators, both statically and dynamically.
  • Large-scale GP, DGP, and Linked (D)GP emulations.
  • Scalable DGP classification using Stochastic Imputation.
  • Bayesian optimization.